Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I wish I were here right now.

This is called "God shined down on Slough Creek" taken in Yellowstone National Park. This is the first in the series from "the bears' backyard" and one of the most serene places in Yellowstone that we experienced. We camped out for as long as we could hoping to see bears but none came our way. We only saw footprints. This was a wonderful trip.
Be sure to click "view full size" when looking at the slide show to get the full effect of the pictures.

Slough Creek, Yellowstone National Park, August 2006, MMR


Duck said...

It's probably just as well you didn't see any bears. They might not be wearing little hats and looking for pic-a-nic baskets as the teevee would have you believe.

I remember when we went on the old family vacay to yellowstone wanting to see some bears, but didn't. We did see plenty of bison, a moose, and various other smaller woodland creatures. Pretty cool! Glad you had some fun! Kay bye!

Phats said...

Hey Fiona Welcome Back!! Good to have you back

Cara Bara said...

Fiona---I'm soooo glad you're back!! PS I love your pictures!

MRae said...

Duck: We did actually see a young black bear but not the Grizzly we (read: JASON) was hoping to see. This little guy was on the side of the road with a friend and a crowd of people--it's in the slide show.

Phats: Thanks Man! It's good to be back!

Nutz: Thank you thank you! I'm suddenly craving some Easter candy...

Mr. Shife said...

That is actually a way cool picture. And I think I see Frank in there somewhere.

MRae said...

Thanks Shife! Yeah he's hiding behind the sign. You're good!