Friday, December 02, 2005

The Church of Dane Meeting Minutes

Ok all you dreamers out there listen up: His Holiness Dane Cook will be appearing on Saturday Night Live -tomorrow (Saturday-go figure) and this will be the perfect opportunity to gleam new material for our bag o' phrases and Cook-Lingo. But if he sucks... Well, I don't know what. So watch it. I expect a full report of how the new material will fit into your repertoire on Monday morning.

  • The money plate has gone around and is hoping to be filled... We'll buy shoes with the money and wear them to our Christmas mass.
  • I've set the Jesits out, the Croutons D' Christ and the Christchex are in the cupboard help yourself.
  • *This Saturday we will have a head-blood emptying seminar. Wear your grubby clothes and learn the family tradition.
  • *Her Royal Highness Weezie would like to announce that official membership of the Church O' Dane is up from 9 to 11 members.
  • *If you haven't picked up the New Testes-ament "Retaliation" you can do so at your local Best Buy.



jodifosterturkeybaster said...

hmmm. Saturday night live on saturday. I hate shit that makes sense. That's why this blog sucks.

JM said...

I try to avoid Sat Night Live since they tend to prolong their skits, when they should be ending them.
Please don't tell me that you will follow Mr. Shife and do a week of Dane Cook. I'm still sweeping chest hairs off my keyboard!!!

Topher said...

I'd like to be added to the Church of Dane membership roster please!

MRae said...

angel, jr.~ I won't be devoting a week to the Dane-ster. I don't think i could ever pull off what Shife does... I agree about SNL. I haven't watched it in years...

Manic~ You're in brother! Gosh, 12 members now, we're getting big! I'll expect a report on Monday morning ;-)

Duck~Duck DUCK Duck Gray Duck! I can't believe you've popped in for a visit! Holy cow. If you like what you see on SNL then we can have a chat on Monday! And yes it does look a little like he's personally wet himself-but I didn't notice. I was too busy noticing other... "things..."

MRae said...

PS Manic~ So are you going to come all the way out to our new watering hole to take me and my partner in crime to lunch?