Saturday, December 03, 2005

i'm GUMBY dammit!

"I'd like to see........ TWO bricks being smashed togevah!"

You are a Gumby! You love smashing bricks together and wearing your hankerchief as a hat...
You are a Gumby! You like to smash bricks and say
things that no-one can understand...

Ok I'd like to thank Duck from the bottom of my heart for this one. How fitting! How Perfect! What is your Monty Python Personality????

"I object to all this sex on the television! I mean-I keep falling off!"


JM said...

I ended up being the Hungarian personality on Duck's post.

LBseahag said...

You are Mr. Creosote! Restaurants just love you, especially when you're throwing up all over the other patrons...

Wow...they're good...

MRae said...

Angel~what did the hungarian personality profile say?

LB~Oooh Mr Creosote was a close second for me. I have yet to explode at a restaurant. Did Jinx take the quiz, too?

Phats said...

hmm interesting I thought you meant like gumby and pokey gumby.

MRae said...

Phats~I think Gumby and Pokey Gumby is waaay smarter than these Gumbys!

Totolehero~It was fabulous. Dane Rocks!

Topher said...

G'day, you're Bruce! You think like a philosopher, especially after you've had a few cold ones...Australia RULES!

I've never been to Australia, but the rest of it fits ;)

Fiona, I love to snowboard! Let's get T.A.F.Y. together and ride!