Friday, October 28, 2005

Uh you might have a problem

(I'm sure some of you have seen this before)
Ok I'm a huge copycat, but I don't care: Let's think of some captions for this:

*You'd think you'd try and get something like this removed before it became a full-blown jack-o-lantern!
*They aren't kidding when they say it'll go right to your ASS!
*Uh, you have something on your butt...
*What did you say? You say the pumpkin really likes sausage? EW!
*I think you sat in some pumpkin
*Do you have to light your fart to get the pumpkin to lit up?
*This is what happens when you cross a pumpkin with a human
*You'd either have to be really drunk or being held at gunpoint to actually do this for someone.


Anonymous said...

Yes...good comments to all of those.
Here are some I thought of...
* Hey Joe you wanna stare at my ass for two hours and color in a pumpkin on it?
*I've always had a dream to paint a pumpkin on my fat ass!
*Just wait to see what I'm going to do for Christmas!!!
*I hope kids don't smash this like they do real ones...

That's all i got...peace, I'm out!

MRae said...

Good lord it's Santa, and she's gonna make all the kids kiss it. If she were rudolph she could stick a red lightbulb right in her ass.

Anonymous said...

The question is...Will the RED light bulb glow?

Mr. Shife said...

Does this pumpkin make my ass look fat?

MRae said...

Does this ASS make my PUMPKIN look fat!

MRae said...

yeah it's hilarious... I just don't want to imagine the person who actually had to paint it on there... i mean EW. I still can't get over it.

MRae said...

Duck wins!